So, you’ve dived into Angular, building sleek web applications with its robust framework. But now, you’re stuck at the starting line, wondering how to change the startup component. Fear not, fellow coder! Let’s unravel this mystery and get you back in the race with swagger.

Understanding the Startup Component in Angular

In Angular, the startup component, often referred to as the root component, is the entry point of your application. It’s where the magic begins, initializing your app and orchestrating its initial rendering. By default, this component is set in the AppModule as part of the bootstrap process.

Why Change the Startup Component?

There are scenarios where you might want to switch things up:

  • Routing Flexibility: Maybe you’re integrating Angular into an existing multi-page application and need a different component to kick things off.
  • Dynamic Loading: You might want to load different components based on user roles or configurations.
  • Testing Purposes: Adjusting the startup component can facilitate easier testing of specific features or modules.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Change Startup Component in Angular

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Locate the AppModule

In your Angular project, navigate to the AppModule. This is typically found in src/app/app.module.ts. This file defines your application’s main module where components, services, and other features are imported and configured.

Step 2: Identify the Bootstrap Array

Within AppModule, locate the @NgModule decorator. Inside this decorator, there’s an array named bootstrap. This array lists the components that Angular should bootstrap when the application starts.


  declarations: [


    // Other components declared here


  imports: [


    // Other modules imported here


  providers: [

    // Services and providers


  bootstrap: [AppComponent] // <– This line determines the startup component


export class AppModule { }

Step 3: Change the Bootstrap Component

To change the startup component, simply modify the bootstrap array to include the component you want to use instead of the default AppComponent.


  declarations: [


    // Other components declared here

    CustomStartupComponent // <– Include your custom startup component here


  imports: [


    // Other modules imported here


  providers: [

    // Services and providers


  bootstrap: [CustomStartupComponent] // <– Change AppComponent to your custom component


export class AppModule { }

Step 4: Verify and Test

Save your changes and run your Angular application (ng serve). Angular will now bootstrap with your newly specified component as the entry point. Ensure everything functions as expected and test for any compatibility issues or dependencies that may arise from the change.


Mastering how to change the startup component in Angular empowers you to tailor your application’s entry point to fit its specific needs and structure. Whether you’re opting for a modular approach or fine-tuning routing, understanding these fundamentals ensures your Angular projects are not only functional but also well-organized and scalable.

By following this guide, you’re equipped to navigate Angular’s architecture confidently, optimizing your development workflow and delivering robust applications that meet your users’ expectations. Embrace the flexibility Angular offers, and let your startup component reflect the unique identity and functionality of your application. Happy coding!

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